Sunday, July 4, 2010

Concentration is evil

Simply put Concentration is putting all of your eggs in one basket, I can cite two types of it :

Concentration Of Decision: when the very few make the most important economic decisions on the behalf of everyone else. As we will see this is a disasterous way of ruling anything. We can see this type of Concentration in investment banking where few traders gamble the belongings of many, when loss happens -and it does, the majority will be hurt, not just investors but all those that rely on Banks in one way or another: everybody.

Concentration In Time : this means making many trading decisions in short time, gamblers that play most often are the first ones to start loosing even after they get lucky, they run out of luck very quickly. CIT is one of the ways of exposing oneself to Black Swans, the bad type of them.

In the following paragraphs we will see how concentration can hurt.

This is how communism broke over stupidity

Communism started with books, large books filled with theories on how unfair life is and "how the world should be".

The problems started when the repressed people of Russia has had enough and it was time to take down the owners of land that treated them like slaves, the problem is not the revolution itself, the problem is when they took the extreme decision of building a country system based on theories (yep ! Theories can be that bad!).

The nature of the communist thinking concentrates the process of economic decision making withing the hands of the goverment, in other words the few "planners" working for the communist party had on their shoulders the mission of "planning" to what would or should happen the year(s) to come (I still don't know wich one describes the situation better than the other : "planning to what would happen" implies they CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE which is rediculous, while the other one "planning what should happen" implies they have full control over the future which is even more rediculous than the precedent one !).

No one but the govenment had the right to own production units, only the goverment could decide what should be produced, they though they could predict what will be demanded by the population and produce for them exactly what they need, they though they had full control on what will be sold and bought, I don't need to tell you they were wrong.

It seems that decision makers that concentrate too much when thinking make the most desastrous decisions. There is this french psychologist called Pierre Daco who gives neurological evidence that you should always stay open minded and not focus too much, otherwise you will only norrow your mental abilities.

The collapse of the Soviet Union was -in opinion due mainly to the Concentration Of Decision, COD is highly fragile and it made them very vulnerable to the unknown: Black Swans. The Concentration Of Decision is an example of "How Not To Do Things". The ruling of the former Soviet Union is similar to putting all of your eggs in one basket, or investing all/most of your money in one trade.

On the other hand there is Capitalisme (I still argue with myself whether or not Capitalisme is a system), capitalisme is "letting things be", no particular way of doing things, free market, the Diversification Of Decision distributes the risks, more economic decision makers means more agents to have disasters devided on, it means that in the worst cases companies may vanish but OTHERS WILL SURVIVE. This is -in opinion the main idea on how capitalisme is better.

The ironic twist is when the supreme virus of communism penetrates to the spiritual core of capitalism: Concentration in Wall Street.

Notice how I called Wall Street "spiritual core", if Wall Street becomes anything more than that, let's say "the real core" of capitalisme this means that the whole idea of distributing risks is bypassed and concentration will get eventually to hurt everyone, guess what : that's what happened in 2007.

... and so did Wall Street

For the sake of effeciency the foolish bankers made the process of trading decision making be concentrated in few insitutions that hire few traders that -in the end have similar trading mentality. Just like in the old times of communism few people make the most influent economic decisions on the behalf of everybody else. Capitalism took a very dangerous turn: instead of having many economic agents making many -but less influent decisions we have a bunch of traders gambling the largest sums of money on behalf of everybody else. What is really sad is that even those who were proven to be loosers can still enjoy big bonuses, and even if they get laid off they will be replaced by fresh finance graduates that are just as doll as the old ones, but they are just less experienced with big losses.

The financial system was sitting on a barrel of dynamite that blew up eventually, now it is sitting on another barrel getting more and more filled with explosives, none of us know when it will explode again, but it will.

Communism is similar to finance in the way of how suckers feel and look like genuises. In the former Soviet Union they had statuts built after them; in Wall Street they get big bonuses, sometimes even after they cause a catastrophe. Will people ever learn???

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